

Unfortunately we have had to delete all the feedback from younger women as these included relief in areas which we are unable to claim.

Much of the unsolicited feedback previously included on this page has been deleted as these experiences, especially given from younger women, are outside the claims we are permitted, i.e. Anna’s Enriched Wild Yam Cream with Chaste Tree, traditionally used in Western Herbal medicine to relieve menstrual pain and spasms and help reduce occurrence of menopausal symptoms.



"I have been using this for 1 month now. I followed what Barbara O'Neill said about it, 3 weeks on and 1 week off when you start your period. It arrived right on time for me to use it for the full 3 weeks and then I'm on the 1 week break now. On the 10 days lead to up to my period, I have low energy, pmt and irritation of my scalp, negative thoughts and low/no libido. As soon as my period arrives I'm fine and all this disappears. (I'm 41) I had to keep checking when my period was due as I had none of the above symptoms.. I couldn't believe it!!! No brain fog either... I just cant get over how well I feel. My hubby is very happy!! I also don't have any irritation 'down there' this has changed my life in only 3 weeks... I just cant believe it. I'm worried about running out now. The wait is frustrating but it's so worth it and they keep in touch and with you too which was really good. I was happy to wait as i knew it was going to good. Honestly just order it and wait for your life to change!" - Diane 

“Hi! I wanted to thank you for selling this cream. I’m 48 and had a lot of menstrual discomfort. I have been using the cream for 3 months but I saw a difference immediately. I’m not sure if I’m transitioning to menopause but for now I’ll keep using for menstrual pain relief. I also want to thank you for your prompt, clear and caring answers." - Jane 

"This is one of those products that I wish I would have tried sooner! I am thankful, however, that I started using it when I did. I have been using Anna's for two years now and can't say enough good things about it. After having a regular menstrual cycle, I began skipping cycles month after month. I started using Anna's and my cycle went back to normal and is literally like clock work. The best part is that I have absolutely no pms symptoms (cramping, moodiness, etc.)." - Sarah 

"I've been using this amazing product for over 5 years now on & off to help me sail through the menopause! It stops any hot flushes in their tracks and helps me sleep - highly recommend for peri menopause and menopausal ladies!" - Jackie

"I ordered this for my two daughters. They have terrible cramps at the beginning of there period. I read about this and also listen to lecture from Barbara O’Neil talk about this, so I ordered it. And just like they said when starting out symptoms may get a little worse before they get better and that’s exactly what happened. And of course they said it’s not helping that, was just the first month and then things turned around and they felt much better." - Kelly

"This cream has done wonders for me. I have used the cream for a little over 2 years now, had a break when I was pregnant and was diagnosed with endometriosis after I gave birth and use it without fail every day. I do the 5-day protocol to keep on top of my endometriosis, but doing this I rarely have to take any medication. I tell everyone and anyone about Anna's Wild Yam cream. Well worth it for any woman!" - Bianca


"I was suffering severe menopausal symptoms; night sweats, hot flushes, insomnia and severe joint pain. I tried different products with not much relief, until I found your cream. I've been using it for about 2 months and all my symptoms are gone! I will definitely be sharing your product and my results with anyone suffering from menopause." - Kika 

"Hi! I have been using your awesome cream for 3 months now and I can honestly say it has transformed my life (and that of my husband!) I was suffering from extreme sudden onset of menopause. I had hot flushes which caused major panic attacks every 15-20 minutes, including throughout the night. For someone who has never been too hot and always felt cold it was horrific. I became depressed and my moods were all over the place. My husband was so patient and considerate, but I felt hopeless. I didn't want to use artificial hormones to correct this and did some major research into alternatives. Anna’s cream has literally saved my life! After only one cycle of using the menopause protocol, I have no hot flushes! NONE!! I am back to being me. Thank you so very much." - Jo 

When we asked Jo if we could use her testimony she replied:-

"No problem using my feedback. As far as I am concerned the more people who are made aware of this amazing product and that they don’t need to use synthetic hormones the better! I told my GP as she had suggested I look into wild yam as an option knowing my reluctance to taking HRT, and she was very impressed with the results (the obvious huge change in me) and the product contents. I am sure she will be pointing others to your cream in the future. Kind regards and many, many thanks." - Jo 

"I’ve been using for past 2 years now and I’ll always use. It’s been working to keep nights sweats almost non existent and no more daytime hot flushes. Only those rare occasions when lots of stress & other factors going on. My anxiety is much better now so last time which was a week ago, no hot flush. Thank you!" - Sandra-Dee

"I love this cream, I used to get between 20-30 furnace like hot flushes every day. Since beginning use of the cream about 3 weeks ago I get zip, nudda, nothing. I thought it was a gimmick I mean how can a cream help with hot flashes. I was that desperate for some relief began using it and to my surprise they actually disappeared. Thank you!" - Moana 

"I am 52 and had been having horrible day and night sweating, when I say sweats I mean skin crawling to the point I thought I was going nuts. My anxiety level was at its high, and the mood swings, my family knew to stay away from me, not to mention the outbursts of crying spells. Well, I am happy to say after being on this cream for 2 months, my mood swings are a thing of the past, I only cry watching hallmark movies now, instead of silly commercials. The day and night sweats are almost gone, and the crawling skin is under control, the Cream has turned my anxiety into happiness which has not been a part of my life for some time!! I thank you and my family thanks for this wonderful cream!!"  - Angela 

"Hi, I have to say a big THANK YOU wow the cream is amazing. I was beside myself with hot flushes and night sweats for the last three years and now its all gone and my moods are amazing." - Di 

"This will be my third jar of Wild Yam cream and I am sure it is making me feel a whole lot better. My hot flushes have ceased and I now don’t feel like I could kill my husband of 25 years! (He is a real darling) He reminds me if my cream is getting low so I think he feels its working as well." - Pippa 

"I'm glad that others have found the same results as I have by using this cream. My doctor told me I was heading for a hysterectomy and my symptoms were getting worse every month. I happened to come across your product in a health food store and bought it to try. I've tried cheaper versions, but have become dependent on Anna's because I know it works and I don’t want to waste time trying anything else. My niece is now using it and her life has changed completely because she now has a normal cycle. Like clockwork. I feel sorry for anyone who hasn't heard of wild yam cream or doesn't want to believe it works." - Roz 

"I would like to say thank you, Anna’s Wild Yam Cream does work, since I started using it I have not had one hot flush, its been my life saviour. I can now start to enjoy a good night’s sleep. I truly recommend it!" - Therese 

"Hi, I just wanted to let you know what a remarkable life changing 360 degree turnaround my life has been since taking you product. I started using your product ay the post menopausal age of 58 in April 2015. Words cannot begin to describe the sensational change in my life. I went from feeling quite ill with anxiety attacks, uncontrollable sweating, hot flushes, palpitations etc. and thinking life was always going to be like this to feeling better and better each month and after about three months, feeling normal again and almost as good as I felt in my early forties. I cannot begin to thank you enough for producing your amazing product and giving me my life back again. THANK YOU so very very much!!!!!!"  - Karen 

And Karen’s reply when we asked if we may use her testimony:-

"Dear Carol, Yes, all good, I am happy with you sharing my testimony, please feel free to share in any format you like. Once again words simply can’t express how much my “quality of life” has immensely improved from using your product. I am so very very very extremely grateful from the bottom of my heart, your product has given me a ‘normal’ life back and I am so happy about that! Thank you SO much!!!!"  - Karen 

"I have been using this cream for over 2 years now as I was experiencing hot flushes throughout the day (hourly) and nights. The flushes caused me anxiety especially while taking public transport and feeling I wasn't in control when I couldn't seem to get air or breathe on the busy transport systems. I had also listened to Barbara O'Neil speak on the benefits of this cream for women going through Menopause and it was made from natural resources. I decided to give it a go and within 6-8 weeks of using it, I noticed a significant difference the hot flushes had stopped. I have been using the cream ever since then and when I have run out of cream I have noticed the flushes come back. I do get a few hot flushes from time to time now but continue to use the cream as I know it works for me and its so fab I wouldn't be without it!" - Ali Henry